Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Two More Beds

two new beds, one not yet mixed and groomed
Just barely got the two new beds finished.  My experiment to obtain a laborer outside of my.... normal methods turned out to be largely a failure; the guy was nice, but wore out QUICK and just didn't have the drive I'm used to.  By the time I realized he wasn't up to par it was too late in the morning and I'd lose more time sending him off and finding a replacement.  The responses from the ad were encouraging and I may give it a second shot next time.

The lack of great help meant I had to do more work that I had planned which meant I didn't get the planting done I had hoped to.  Moments after giving a lecture about not breaking pipes I broke a pipe.  Feeling a bit foolish I redeemed myself (or attempted to) by making record breaking time with a high quality repair job.  Save face, always save face.

sod removed in the new bed area
I've got another 26 tomato plants to transplant.  I've started several melons indoors on heat pads and will transplant at the feet of the tomatoes.

Finding that mulch, while very effective at reducing dry out in my beds also appears to be encouraging more pests and in some cases rotting of stems.  I've lost two of my Fortex pole bean seedlings to what appears to be late damping off but could also be the result of critters nibbling on the stem.  Either way, it's caused me to rethink my mulching plans.

I am however happy to see that my Guardsman bunching onions are emerging and pushing through the straw mulch I set when they were sown!  My farmer buddy Chad ( told me it was a mistake and he still may end up being correct, however right now they seem to be making it.

Another entry will focus on green wave ranch and the amazing coincidence that two old friends that lost touch for 6 years have ended up interested in the same thing.

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