Friday, May 27, 2011

A Template for the Perfect Morning

The dirt is so soft I can dig it with my hands.  I then set the transplant and
firmly push into the bottom of the hole, followed by a real long soak,
backfill and pat down and finally one last long drink of water
Maybe not "perfect", but certainly the way I'd like to start the majority of days if possible.  The alarm set for 5am, that in itself not a rare event, waking eagerly at it's report however, is!

I went to bed early the previous night with a belly full of carne asada and Sierra and a plan to wake early, get Tomatoes in the ground before my 8:30 physical therapy appointment and then onto the office.  I was excited to be up early and have hands in the dirt while the sun rose; dawn is absolutely my favorite time of day.  The challenge was to finish the work in the narrow slice of morning between darkness and my cutoff to take a shower and be rolling on the freeway to my appointment.

I'm actually trying to not bit my thumbnails so they will be longer and I
can use as a tool for pinching.
That's a double-whamy statement right there; sure to make the girls go wild!

I was able to do it and it was everything I hoped it would be, arguably my best morning in months.  Yet another indicator that this may be the life for me.

I pinched off the bottom 1-2 branches on all the tomatoes before planting deep in their new permanent homes.  A few of the plants had already set flowers but I pinched them off to keep the plant focused on roots and top growth.  Also took care of suckers in just about every plant.  I like the process of pruning and grooming the tomatoes, it's very fitting for my tendency to want to do "many little things".

Other Stuff:
  1. Pill bugs continue to be a problem, they are chewing on my new pole beans and have successfully destroyed two of them, chomping them off at the stem.
  2. I had a dark aphid-like infestation on a single red noodle pole bean.  I sprayed with a little "vegetable safe oil" (I forget what that is) and they seem to be staying away
  3. Carrots in RB1 are doing OK, seem to be taking the heat well

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