Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rained Out

"Red Noodle" pole beans emerging nicely.
Theres that damn melon seed again!
Set the alarm for 4:30 this morning, woke up, made coffee, took a shower and thought about all the stuff I needed to do.  I was looking forward to it, a full day to get a bunch of past due projects and tasks done.

Then it rained and sort of blew all my enthusiasm.  Honestly my tomatoes and weakling beet seedlings also put me in a shitty mood.  The tomatoes are stunted and have been looking less healthy lately, this is particularly frustrating because I need to get them in the ground soon.  And the new beats had a very high rate of damping off or general stem breakage which could be from the high winds several days ago, damage from setting the drip lines in place, from watering too often or from watering too hard.  Maybe a little of all those... either way they are in bad shape and I ended up pulling 30% out.

So after about 45 minutes of being outside I called it a (farm) day and went in and programmed for nearly 11 hours straight.

Tomorrow should be clear and I'm going to try again.

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