Friday, April 01, 2011

Watering Reminder

They say admitting your problem is the first step to recovery.

I will be the first to admit that I over water.  It's my nature, I walk out in the yard and I look at my plants and I want to "do something" and watering gives me the satisfaction of "doing something".  I have a problem and I'm working on it.

I was out on slug patrol and while looking closely noticed that what I thought was a single spinach plant was actually 3 tightly grouped.  I carefully pulled the two smaller ones out and was pleased to see how deep the tap root had gone.  A very visual reminder of how inappropriate it is to water based on what the surface soil looks like.

I'll think about this doomed spinach, posed on the backside of my spinal decompression receipt (AHH!! $$$!!!!!) the next time I reach for the hose.

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