Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Veggies

I've been resorting to dumpster diving for the produce boxes.  I probably
shouldn't have said that out loud.

Was heading to parent's house for Easter dinner with family and decided to use the opportunity to bring along some home growns.  I took enough spinach, swiss chard, escarole, endive and beet tops for salad.  I also pulled some carrots for fun.  Bunching the spinach around the stems works much better than around the leaves.

I was surprised that the "touchstone gold" golden beets were MUCH smaller than the red beets - they went in the ground at the same time, received the same water and nutrients and there is nothing on the seed packet that suggests a different maturity time.

(too) big red beets and the inexplicably smaller Touchstone Gold golden
beets on the right.
The salad bombed and was a disaster due to a botched dressing I made.  Oh well.  The roasted beets and sauteed beet tops went over well though!  Beets are one crop that I will grow much more of in the future, it seems that everyone likes (and wants) them.  I apologize for the coors light, it's not mine, I mean... I'm drinking it but it's all I had in the fridge.  Someone left it at my house, I swear.

I think I've said it before, but I REALLY prefer whole plant harvesting over cut-and-come again.

The two times I've presented my twinewrapped produce I've received
positive comments; it's nice to know that people appreciate small
details like that, makes it worth while.
Here I have two bundled bunches of  "Red Cardinal"
spinach, some swiss chard and more spinach in the background.

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