Thursday, April 21, 2011

Big Beets

I was surprised to learn my red beets had grown quite large, not sure why I was surprised as they've been in the ground for over 2 months.  I had planned on pulling them when they were walnut shell sized at the most, but now they are about 50% larger than that.  I've got a harvest planned for this weekend, Sunday most likely so I will pull them and give away.

I'm still struggling with a garden plan.  I walk out, I look around at my different beds and start to think I have it figured out and then I lose it.  There are so many variables and unknowns:
  • How much is the liquid amber going to shade out my lower E/W beds and North ends of the N/S beds?
  • How tall will my tomatoes grow, will they shade out the entire other row?  
  • How much more can I expect to get out of my winter crops?  They seem to be going strong but I feel like I'm missing the spring planting window!
raised bed porn - I have that special feeling about raised
beds like I do my compost.  I mean... look at it, it's perfect!
I prepped the EW2 (east>west #2) bed, graded it out flat after letting the buckwheat cover crop decompose a bit.  I then dropped about 35 gallons of home made compost and cultivated that in.  Was happy to see lots of worms during all this.  This bed is ready for planting this weekend, I think I will do beans... I think, I'm not sure yet.  AHHH!

I feel like I would really benefit from an experienced gardener/farmer to walk through and say "Plant beets there, do that now, then over there you start your tomatoes, they should have been started two weeks ago!  Do bush beans there and your pole beans there.  Boy!  What the hell are you doing trying to start Spinach now?!"

Yeah, I'd like that.

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