Saturday, April 02, 2011

Compost Maintenance

I've also got (2) 35 gal. trashcans full to use!

My compost has been majorly neglected for the past month or more, mostly due to my back being sore and my workload being overwhelming.  I really, really need some compost though so decided Today to suck it up and put a little work into my compost investment.
Two main tasks to accomplish:
  1. Add "greens" (in Today's case this was lawn clippings) to the intermediate pile and flip (aerate)
  2. Remove and screen the 95% complete compost from the Compost Tumbler and prepare it for the intermediate pile once it's cooked a bit more
I used the opportunity to make a time-lapse video which I haven't done in a long time.


Unknown said...

you've inspired me! i've months of weeds that need to be pulled in my backyard... my kids think I'm the worst ever bc I'm making them help me! has sis had #3 yet?

Scuba Steve said...

Make it a contest, winner gets... whatever little kids want these days - kid w/ biggest pile of weeds wins!
No baby yet, she's huge though but tough as nails as always.

Unknown said...

make sure i'm called when she has him!! it was painful... 2.5 hours of "are we done yet? can we stop yet!?" i could have promised them the world... to no avail