Thursday, February 10, 2011

Community, Friend and Family Sources

The other day I mentioned that I'm getting fruit trimmings from Edible Arrangements.  My neighbor Lisa has been donating rabbit poop, coffee grinds, old flowers, etc. for weeks now.  My Neighbor Pam contributes newspaper (for my walkways) and used tea bags.  I've grabbed fallen leaves from my parent's yard by the truck load and finally, my oldest source of composting material is Chapman Coffee!  I've been picking up bags of used grounds for months, pretty much every time I go in there I grab a bag or two.  As you know, coffee grinds are great in the yard.  You can use them in the compost, throw them on the lawn, cultivate into soil to attract and feed worms and give to any acid loving (azalea, strawberry, blueberry, etc.) plants.

Not only do all these things have value to me and help me accomplish what I'm after it also provides an opportunity for other people to contribute to something that they otherwise may not be involved in.  On top of that it's just that much less crud going to the dump.

I will continue to approach people and business about contributing their waste, some I've already got on the radar:

  • Juice Stop for fruit stuffs
  • Orange Flowers for flower cuttings (they are on my shit list though because I just got back (look at the date of this post) after being told there was a $50 min. order for delivery AND a delivery charge!  WTF?)
  • Cabinet shop(s) for sawdust
  • pet shop for rabbit and other rodent poop

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