Saturday, January 15, 2011

HOLY CRAP, this is a lot of work

Once again... seriously under estimated the amount of work to complete a job.  I've been moaning on about the need to correct the bed soil, to remove the clods and mesh, blah blah blah.  Today was my day, I woke up early, coffee to the brain and got to work.  Oh, and of course I setup my camera for some time lapse goodness.

Including minor distractions by Kevin stopping by to get tools and BS and my super awesome Mom coming over to help cleanup the farm - I spent EIGHT HOURS on a single row.  If I was an employee I would be fired I think.  Actually no, I worked my butt off, it's just a lot more work than I thought.

BEFORE - Chunks of sod held together by plastic mesh
I was encouraged to see so many worms in the soil and I'm sure the decomposing sod attracted them.  I did my best to kill as few as possible but it's tough, and good worms did die Today.  It was so rewarding to see the result of all that work; this beautiful, fluffy dark soil teeming with fat worms.  While I was at it I dumped 5 bags of amendment and sprinkled a bit of green sand.

AFTER - fluffy, rich soil packed with worms!
(photo doesn't do it justice...)
My Mom came over because she wanted to help out, she's worried that I'm working too hard and maybe she thinks I've bit off more than I can (or care to) chew.  Maybe she's right?  Either way, she showed up, jumped into action and cleaned up the leaves, plucked grass seedlings from my already-growing beds, moved a half bale of hay, helped me move my 3 large clay pots packed with wet soil and blueberry bushes, picked some weeds from planters, trimmed my geraniums by my back door and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.  She enjoyed it and I always enjoy having her around, she's cool, we BS and drink together.  I'm fortunate, thanks Mom!

Note to Steve: MS movie maker appears to have a 2GB size limit on clips - your (brilliant!) solution was to render out sections to keep the file size down.  Also, no, you can't change clip duration, need to change options then re-add to timeline.  Movie maker is lame.

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