Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another Bed is Born

Wrapped up my new East -> West bed that will be the home to tall warm season crops (e.g. corn, tomato).  It's a bit lower than I would like but I just didn't have as much soil (or sod really) to work with.  It'll be fine, I can build it up over time.  Like any fine sculptor would, I had the row looking beautiful, straight, level with a perfect radius... that is until my good-for-nothing, lazy-ass-never-help-out dog, Chui walked on it. Bad Dog!

My Mom came over for a couple hours and helped out with some weeding, nice to have someone to chat with and even nicer to have some help.  Thanks Mom!

I continue to be perplexed by the dissimilar growth rate between the organic pots and the plastic cell trays.  A theory came to me Today while flipping my compost piles; I thought just maybe the seedling receives an ALL-STOP message when it's fragile little roots penetrate through the pot and are exposed to the open air.  I think it's plausible and went ahead and sought confirmation on

Added all the de-soiled sod chunks to the compost, flipped the right heap to the vacant left heap (hope it heats up!) and added more to the giant temp. heap.  Too much to manage right now and for some reason none of the piles are finishing up!

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