Monday, January 31, 2011

Direct Sow Test

Been really busy for the last week, hence no recent updates.  I came home from work Today and had that feeling where I just wanted to do something impulsive.  I get like that sometimes and I've learned to give in as occasionally something neat comes from it.  I don't think Today was one of those times because all I did was "grade" my new East -> West bed, grab some seed packets and start sowing.

I think the urge to do this came from the realization that I don't need to start winter crops indoors and deal with the hassle of lighting, watering and hardening off.  As an experiment of sorts I just went for it, sowed some seeds and watered well.  We'll see what happens, I think I'm going to wish I had done this awhile ago.

It dawned on me what a schizo' I am after someone emailed me a question from my other, technology oriented blog:  I must say: I do have varying interests...

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