Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diatomaceous Earth - Enough is Enough

Like a weed - arugula from last year, I'm going to eat it all!
I finally broke down and bought some diatomaceous earth to fight the pill bugs.  This stuff sounds terrible, it basically dries them out, sucks all the moisture right out of them.  I read that humans should seriously limit the amount that is inhaled so I wrapped a wet rag around my nose and mouth when I spread it.  I already realize that I need a tool to properly apply this stuff, I'm thinking a turkey baster may work well.

Yesterday's storm gave me another ~30 gallons of water.  Second sowing of carrots have emerged and I just realized that what I thought was a weed growing all over the South end of NS1 is arugula!  I let my arugula bolt last year and I'm paying the price, although on the other hand it's nice to have it in salads.


S said...

Buy a container of Baby Powder. Remove the powder. Fill it with the diatomaceous earth. It works great for applying a dusting to plants.

Scuba Steve said...

Good idea, thanks for the tip. I also ended up using the baster (I don't keep the blog updated like I should) and it worked well.

Scuba Steve said...

Update: used the baby powder suggestion and it worked great. Thanks!