Saturday, June 25, 2011

It Tastes Great

Despite it's apparent mutation, what I can only guess is the successful merging of two distinct seeds into a single carrot root, it tastes great!  I've begun the process of picking a carrot here and there to snack on, it's very much like how one makes several small strikes on cake at the office or the box of donuts that someone should not have brought in -
"Who the hell eats 1/5 a donut?!"
The phantom guilt-stricken snacker with 15 lbs they'd like to lose, that's who.  Just wait 5 minutes, when that sugary donut taste fades they'll be back for another 1/5 - repeat until a minimum of one donut is consumed.

Anyway, so that was weird, kinda?  That there's a Purple Haze and they taste great.  Carrots are in my top 5 favorite things to grow, going to do a TON of carrots next year.

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