Saturday, June 02, 2012

Bad with the Good

Yeah, that's one drink left...
I made it to Lewiston, Idaho and I'm sorry I did.  It could be that my mood is generally very sour, but this town sucks.  I'm out of booze and I drove up and down the length of the town (it's not small) two times and didn't find a SINGLE place to buy groceries, let alone a liquor store.  What do these people eat?  Where do they shop?  I finally stopped at a gas station to pee (and I bought gas, I feel like I need to) and the lady (who was pleasant) answers me with:
"Ohhh... well, you should just head over to Washington"
"OK, Where is that?"
"Well, if you go down the road here about another mile you'll be in Washington"
"You mean the State?!  I need to go to another state to buy whiskey"
"Ohhh..... well, I think that would be best...."


A bit of depression hit me Today, actually more than a bit.  It's because of my back, I'm miserable, constant pain that I can't do anything except ice to numb it.  The ice works for about 20 minutes, but it's so disruptive.  I stop, make an ice pack which seems to always leak and I end up with a wet butt and lower back, I reach behind while driving trying to adjust it and all this for only minor relief.  My back pain has the potential to wreck my lifestyle and at the sake (is that how you spell that?) of being dramatic.... my life -  I HATE IT that I'm 33 years old, full of energy and desire to do everything under the sun and instead of soaking up every moment of this great trip I'm fucking around with home made ice packs and trying to keep track of how many Advil I'm taking so I don't nuke my kidney.  Or liver, whatever!

Despite the heavy whining tone of this post, I'm happy to be off the
road and with ChooDog
Don't even get me started about the McStatePark I'm staying in Tonight.  Tomorrow is a new set of hours and roads and I hope to turn this frown upside down.  Peace.

PS: Do you notice how different this post is?  If you know me it probably seems more, "like me" - that in itself is a bummer to face.

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