Thursday, March 17, 2016


  • SodaDB - Maybe the new version of Grubba?
  • Grubba - Hmmm. Closest Google Base substitute I can find
  • WuFoo which sounds great, but they wants $14.95/mo once you have more that 100 rows.
  • ZoHo also looks nice, but $5/mo. Which is fair, don't get me wrong, but free would be better
  • FormLogix Too expensive at $12/mo w/ annual commitment
Hmm, but maybe Grubba is no more...

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

New Bed Orientation for 2016

Finally realized that having east-west oriented beds isn't a great idea due to the shade from my neighbor and the trees. I chewed up EW-1 and EW-2 and used the soil to extend and widen NS-1 and NS-2, now known as NS-4 and NS-5. I created a new bed, NS-3 that is nice and wide. All of these beds are basically the same length (~20'). In creating NS-3 I chewed into EW-3 as well, which is fine as it was always odd with it's bend. I'll add a photo or drawing later.

Monday, March 07, 2016

Planting Plan

Quickly and hastily sowed some old seeds in some available bed patches to use up my old seed stock so I can stop mentally tripping over them. I also tried creating a planting plan the night before in the hopes that when I walked into the yard I could execute efficiently rather than walk around over analyzing everything and in the end, accomplishing nothing. Well shit-howdy, what do you know?! - it worked! All sowing done in 30 minutes, fast and efficient.

For my records, here's what I did:

We just had a bunch of rain, soil was soaked. I roughly trowl leveled small areas, then with the trowl edge formed apprpriate sized furrows. Laid seed and covered with aged compost, patted firm and watered lightly. It's cold right now, I will likely have some seed rot and poor germination but these are bumper crops.

  • Raised Bed: 8 sowings of Sugar Snap peas on tomato cages. Double sown, 8-10 holes per cage and topped with compost.
  • Raised Bed: 2, 7' rows of mixed carrots. Trowled furrows, topped with compost. Expectations low.
  • [NEW]NS-4: Filled in some mixed carrots in areas that failed to germinate well from a couple months ago. Trowled furrow, compost topper and light watering
  • [NEW]NS-5: Filled in swiss chard in area that failed to germinate well from a couple months ago. Trowled furrow, compost topper and light watering
  • [NEW]NS-5: Some red russian kale at the North end where the Siberian kale was weak. This was just kind of random...Trowled furrow, compost topper and light watering

Saturday, March 05, 2016

More spinach

We're using the spinach like crazy, I've harvested at least 5 times now for probably 5lbs or more of spinach. The little plants are getting tired and I decided to sow a bunch more.

For my records, here's what I did:

[NEW]NS-5: 3 rows of two types (red kitten and another that I can't remember). Each row about 4-5' long. Topped with compost.