Quickly and hastily sowed some old seeds in some available bed patches to use up my old seed stock so I can stop mentally tripping over them. I also tried creating a planting plan the night before in the hopes that when I walked into the yard I could execute efficiently rather than walk around over analyzing everything and in the end, accomplishing nothing. Well shit-howdy, what do you know?! - it worked! All sowing done in 30 minutes, fast and efficient.
For my records, here's what I did:
We just had a bunch of rain, soil was soaked. I roughly trowl leveled small areas, then with the trowl edge formed apprpriate sized furrows. Laid seed and covered with aged compost, patted firm and watered lightly. It's cold right now, I will likely have some seed rot and poor germination but these are bumper crops.
- Raised Bed: 8 sowings of Sugar Snap peas on tomato cages. Double sown, 8-10 holes per cage and topped with compost.
- Raised Bed: 2, 7' rows of mixed carrots. Trowled furrows, topped with compost. Expectations low.
- [NEW]NS-4: Filled in some mixed carrots in areas that failed to germinate well from a couple months ago. Trowled furrow, compost topper and light watering
- [NEW]NS-5: Filled in swiss chard in area that failed to germinate well from a couple months ago. Trowled furrow, compost topper and light watering
- [NEW]NS-5: Some red russian kale at the North end where the Siberian kale was weak. This was just kind of random...Trowled furrow, compost topper and light watering